Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Woo Woo!

So fun times yet again. Friday was a wonderfully lazy day. I sat around in Meredith's room and we got our Halloween costumes ready. I was a shark attack victim so she drew a shark on my shirt and cut a bite hole then i painted it full of very realistic fake blood. It was pretty simple but still pretty cool. Then eventually I went over to Becky and Emma's and a few of us hung out and got ready to head out for the night. Then we went to Proud Camden for a little while, it sounded like it was going to be better so we left after a little bit and then went went to the trusty ISHbar. That was a fun time and it ended up being a really fun night.

Saturday I woke up and then a group of us went to Portobello Market. It was a pretty rainy day so we just walked around a bit, went to the Travel Book Store (like the one from the film Notting Hill), went to a few small art galleries then got some of the best cupcakes in the world from the Hummingbird Bakery. Then we split into smaller groups and some of us went to a hookah bar in Camden. On the walk there we saw another Banksy piece. That was a really cool surprise. The hookah bar was fun but it was still raining and we were outside and partially covered so it was a bit cold and wet but otherwise quite good. Then we decided to go to the Diner (my fifth time there). After that day I was pretty tired so I stayed in and we just watched a movie.

Sunday I went to the Hayward Gallery for the Andy Warhol exhibit. It was pretty cool but not what I was expecting. There wasn't as much of his paintings as I'd hope but a lot of his films which I'm not so into. It was more of an audio/visual biography of him than a display of his work but it was still interesting and I'm glad I went. Included in the Warhol exhibit was an exhibit by another artist, Robin Rhode. His stuff was really cool, I hadn't heard of him before but I would definitely like to see more of his stuff. Then we went to Covent Garden and got a cookie from Ben's Cookies and walked home. Then I just relaxed for a little bit then went to the ISHbar and watched a little of the Packer game. Then Meredith, Shawn and I had gotten free tickets to a concert at 229, which is a venue in the lower level of ISH. We saw 3 really great bands, The Operators, The Joy Formidable, and Does It Offend You, Yeah?. The first two were surprisingly good and then Does It Offend You, Yeah?, which was the headliner were great. The show was surprisingly intense and there was some crazy moshing and jumping going on. Didn't see the intensity of it coming but it was so much fun. After that I was all jacked up and awake so we just hung out for a bit then went to bed.

Yesterday was pretty mellow, just worked then hung out at the ISHbar with some people for a while then home to bed. Today I just worked and then had a little dinner and I'm doing laundry right now. Then later pretty much our while group are going to ISH because they're showing the election coverage. I am so excited about it, I pretty much read the news all day at work. I'm not going into work until later tomorrow so I can stay up as late as possible and hopefully see who won, and I hope it all works out and everyone Baracked the vote!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

WooHoo - I am happy and hopeful. Can't wait to hear about you all enjoying the election coverage. Got an email from a work guy who said he was a little "bleary eyed" from staying up for the changing of the guard in Washington". I'm guessing the mood in the world is hopeful. Can't wait for the cupcakes and to help Kim experience London! She will be bitten by the bug and planning her next trip before this one is over! TRUST ME KIM, you'll never be the same :) Told Jeri we'll be guests at the Thanksgiving table - that should be fun! love you, mom - YAY, my string of being the first blogger responder continues!