Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Uh Huh Fun!

Let’s see, what have I been up to lately? On Sunday I woke up and Kimberly, Chad and I headed to Speaker’s Corner. We saw the same old-crazy-racist-god-fearing lady that’s always there. It was kind of funny since quite a few people were talking back to her. It was a kind of rainy day so instead of going to Notting Hill we went to the Science Museum. I had never been so I was excited. There was quite a bit of hands on things so it was fun. A few of my favorite parts were the electricity area where there was a giant pole that you could touch and get shocked. Another was an area of all hands on things. One exhibit you put a straw on a metal rod (for hygiene) and bit down and plugged your ears. Like magic (or science I guess) you could hear a song that was vibrating through the rod. It was pretty cool. After that we just went to ISH to eat then headed home and I took it easy the rest of the night and tried to make a little itinerary for when Kim and my mom come.

Monday was a pretty mellow day. I just went to work, went to the “mandatory” weekly meeting (my third time I’ve been since I’ve been here), then I just headed home and hung out. Yesterday was pretty sweet. I went to work then I headed home, changed, ate, then Meredith and I went to see Uh Huh Her at KoKo. I had bought a ticket in advance but Meredith hadn’t so we had to get one from a tout (scalper). He said “60 quid” so we couldn’t help but laugh because it was ridiculous and he asked her how much she wanted to pay so she said “5 pounds” and he laughed at her. Then she got him to come down to 30 quid. She thought about it then he came over by us and hit her in the butt with is crutch and they settled on 25 quid. Then we went in, got a drink and sadly we were not right up front. The first band was kind of crazy, a lot of repetitive synthesizers and strobe lights. I felt like I was going to have a seizure. Then during the in between time we snuck our way up closer. The band is Leisha Hailey and Cam Grey. Leisha Hailey is better known as an actress and she’s kind of famous for being on The L Word. It was a pretty good show, lots of fun. Then after the show we had to wait ages for the bus so we decided to hop on the tube. We ended up sitting next to these two girls who were quite funny. One was from Ireland and the other from London. The Irish girl had to pee super bad so she was being ridiculous and we had a good time. I wish we had to stay on the tube longer but we only had a few stops. Then we walked a little bit home and just hung out for a bit and played Sudoku and I read a Spin article about MGMT (who I’m hopefully seeing on the 28th) then I headed to bed.

Today I went to work and then my boss Anthea and I headed to Sotheby’s. We stopped first at the National Gallery to see Titian’s “Diana and Actaeon”. It’s on display now because they are trying to raise money so it doesn’t get sold off by the private owner. There were lots of TV cameras there and I guess that I was on TV today. Weird. Then we went to Sotheby’s to see a collection that was being sold that Photographic Survey of the Courtauld (where I work) had previously photographed. We couldn’t see it but we just looked around at other stuff. Then we went to Christie’s and did the same thing there. Then while walking around we went to Fortnum & Mason’s which is a really posh store. There were a lot of Christmas decorations around which I loved. Then we went to the Institute of Contemporary Art and saw/heard a sound instillation. It was kind of intense. There was also a collection of odd and obsurd comics which I really liked. They included stories of an amputee with, lesbian unicorns, and homophobic truckers. It was pretty interesting. Then we stopped by the Royal Society of Arts. Then I went back to work then headed to lunch shortly after. I had a nice little lunch with Meredith then I went to see Tom Jones. He was busking (singing on the street) for a charity event. I watched him for a little bit then went back to work and cut and pasted things. Then I went home and just hung out and updated this and watched my room mate dance to Soulja Boy. It was funny.
I’m pretty pumped because tomorrow my mom comes, then I’m going to ditch her to see The Kills and then Kim is visiting on Friday. FUN!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Yay! I'm still the No. 1 Blogger - thanks Kim! Katy I particularly like the part where you say you are going to DITCH your mom - NICE! :) Glad we actually ditched each other! What a life -- so much to see and do, without any effort, just walking down the street can be an event! Today was fun just hanging out in London town with you and Kim, and more fun in the days to come - yippee! love, mom