Monday, November 10, 2008

It was fun fun fun, oh it was fun

So some excitement has been happening in the past week. Tuesday night was a lot of fun. Everyone was at the ISHbar seeing who the next U.S. President would be. There were people from all over in the bar, not just Americans and every time CNN announced that Obama had won a state nearly everyone cheered. I stayed up really late but I didn't see who won that night. The next morning Heather came into Meredith's room and she said that Obama won. I was happy to hear it but really tired so I said "yeah" then went back to sleep. Later I got up and went to meet one of my bosses at the National Gallery to get a behind the scenes look. On the tube ride there I saw Ralph Fiennes, who has played Voldemort in Harry Potter as well as being in tons of other films. He was in the same tube car on the Bakerloo line, so that was kind of cool. Sadly I was at the wrong staff entrance (apparently there's 2) so we didn't meet up and I had forgotten to give her my mobile number so I ended up wandering around for a few hours. I got kind of lost which was fun because I saw a part of the city that I hadn't known of before so that was neat.

After a few exhausted hours (since I didn't sleep much the night before) I went back home and tried to nap but I didn't have enough time since it was Guy Fawkes night and I had plans to go to Club Vertigo and watch some fireworks from the penthouse terrace. The circle of friends (me, Meredith, Kallie, Emma and Becky) went to the club but they pushed back the entry time form 9 to 10 so we went to O'Neils to kill some time. Then a little before 10 we went back to the club to queue up but Kallie, Meredith and I decided to go home since we were so tired and not in the mood for a club. I went to bed pretty much right away and got a decent night's sleep for the first time in a long time.

Thursday I woke up and headed to work. Nothing too special that day but it went by rather quickly. Then I quick went home and ran to ISH, ate then Meredith and I went to Koko to see Noah and the Whale. We didn't have tickets but of course we got some from a tout then went right in and once again got right in the front since that's kind of what we do. The show was really fun. Everyone sang along except for the two super emo kids in front of us. They were so emo it was ridiculous. They should have just gone home and cried since they pretty much just stood there the whole time. Aside from those kids the show was great and the band had so many different instruments, it was a good time. After the show we headed to ISHbar and had a drink then went home and just took it easy.

Friday I slept in really late for some reason even though I went to bed relatively early. It was a beautiful day so we decided to go to the zoo. We walked through Regent's Park (the backyard) to get there. The zoo was fun, we got there a little late but we had a good time. There were some really neat animals and the habitats were relatively natural which was nice. Also we went to the reptile house where part of Harry Potter was filmed. We walked back and then I just headed home for a bit then Meredith and I went to another concert. This time we went to the Astoria and saw Cold War Kids. Yup...right up front again. The concert was great. I wasn't sure what to expect since I knew the lead singer also played the keyboard so I was worried he'd just be sitting there the whole time but they blew me away. The guitarist and bass player were all over the place and the whole band had such great energy, it was another great show. Then we went back to MTH and played flip cup for a little bit. After that the group of us headed to the Albany, which is a nearby pub with a semi-club downstairs. I didn't stay for too long since I wasn't really in the mood for club-ness. The walk home might have been the best part since Meredith and I walked Kallie home and half way there she decided to run home. It was pretty funny.

On Saturday I woke up relatively early and went to the Lord Mayor's Parade. We didn't stay too long since it was rainy and we couldn't see much but I'm glad I at last tried to see but the atmosphere of the parade was fun anyways. Then we went to the Diner (yup, 6th time but it's just so good, and the atmosphere is pretty laid back) and ate and hung out for a bit. Then we tried to go to the London Dungeon but the queue was too long so we just walked towards the Tower Bridge to get some pictures. We ended up stopping at a pub and hung out for a bit there. Then we walked towards Embankment to meet up with Emma to watch the fireworks. Meredith, Emma and I got a great spot. We ended up on a boat right on the Thames and just a little down from where the fireworks were shot off from. The fireworks were really neat but I just wish they were a little longer. After we headed to the Lyceum Theatre because Meredith and I were going to get tickets to the Lion King. We headed there through the Somerset House and it turns out they had just put up the Christmas Tree. We were all really excited and took lots of pictures. While we were there they put the star on top of the tree, it was great.

After the Christmas excitement we went to the theatre and got the 13quid standing 'seats'.
After securing our spots we went to Pizza Hut to eat. It was pretty dang good and cheap as well. Then Meredith and I went to the show. Visually it was spectacular. The costumes were really amazing, they do a great job at bringing the animals to life. The show was about 2 1/2 hours but I didn't even notice since I was so engaged. It was a good deal and defiantly worth the 13 pounds. After the show we just headed back and watched Harry Potter 4, but I'm pretty sure I fell asleep within the first 15 minutes. I woke up later and headed to bed.

Sunday a bunch of us had made plans to go to Church. Now you may think "Katy, going to church?", well it wasn't that kind of church. It's an afternoon club at the Forum (where I saw the Ting Tings) and it's only open from noon-4pm on Sundays. We got there and it was complete craziness. The idea is that people go there after their night out Saturday and just keep partying. I don't know if I could handle that but this place was crazy. There were tons of people dressed up in costumes and just ridiculous stuff like weird wigs and sunglasses. There was 'entertainment', which included 2 strippers, a guy singing in a fat suit, and a drinking competition between teams from different countries. Also you had to buy drink tickets and they were for 3 drinks. When you order you get a plastic bag with 3 beers in it then you wander and dance about with a bag of drinks. It was so weird to go to a club and then come out and it's still light outside. It was so much fun though, I want to go back. After a few of us went to Subway then went home. It totally threw me off to be a bit drunk in the middle of the day. I came home and put pictures on facebook and hung out then went to the free movie at ISH. It was '21' last night which I hadn't seen before but it was pretty good. After I just came home hung out a little and read then went to sleep relatively early.

Today I headed to work and it has been a pretty normal day, not too much excitement. I just worked, ran a few errands, ate some food then decided it was time to update this thing since kind of a lot has happened.

noah and the whale's myspace

cold war kid's myspace

pictures from the Frieze Art Fair in October


Sharon said...

hey sweetie, sounds fun, fun, fun :) you are definitely not a tourist! i think we probably should plan to eat at ... The Diner! i hope i see someone famous on the tube, of course i wouldn't know it! can't wait to experience London with you again - and oh yeah, glad i didn't break my record of the first to blog -- thanks for the reminder! but what the heck is up with the rest of your people! get blogging!!! love you, see you next week! mom
ps - Atlanta is no London, but it's something. meeting some nice people from around the world - fun.

Kim said...

Yeah I've been slacking on the commentary. I'm just at a loss for words. . . wait oh yeah. SEE YOU IN A WEEK BIOTCH! What up now? Don't forget to come get me at the airport. haha. that'd suck. Anyways, call me this weekend sometime or something. preferably when you're not drunk this time. . actually screw it. . you're more fun that way. Much Love. Keep in touch. SEE YOU SOON!