Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm Finally Back

On Friday the 19th of September my mom and I drove down to Chicago and then had a lovely last meal of pizza before I headed out. I went through security and found the gate just fine then I waited around for a few hours. One of the other interns on our flight, Kimberly (who turns out to be my roommate), sat by me in the gate so we talked for a bit then got on the flight. I flew Air India, which I never had before, so I didn't know what to expect but it was just fine and the flight wasn't very fully so luckily I wasn't crammed in between people or anything.
Once we landed the 4 of us that were on the flight met up and made our way into London. I was a bit tired since I slept maybe an hour so I was glad to have made it to ISH (International Students House - where I'm staying and no I'm not in the Tower of the World this time). Then I unpacked a bit and we did some necessitites like phone and oyster card then went back to ISH and napped. I met my other roommate, Helen, who's from Australia and was the roommate of Amy Snyder when we were here in 2007. Later we headed to the Green Man for dinner. It was pretty good then on our way back we saw that the rest of our group had arrived (they had been traveling the continent for a few weeks). I met some of them, headed to MTH (the building where I'm staying). I ended up just hanging out at MTH in the guy's room downstairs then headed to bed early.
On Sunday Kimberly and I walked around for a few hours. We went from ISH to Trafalgar Square, Leicester Square, and Picadilly Circus then over to St. James Park and over to Parliament then crossed the Westminster Bridge to the South Bank and walked down to the Tate modern and crossed the river on the Wobbly Bridge to St. Pauls. There was a lot of stuff going on and it remined me why I love this place so much. Then we came back home, and another group meeting. After the meeting we had a little picnic in Regent's Park and sat around until another group meeting that night. Then after the meeting a few of us headed to Big Ben and walked around there then went to Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square then headed back to ISH.
Yesterday I woke up and ran a few errands with Kris then the interns had a meeting at the place that set up all of our internships. After that a few of us went to a pub and had a drink then Kris, Kimberly and I went to Oxford Street to look for some necessities, and I ended up getting a pair of ridiculous sunglasses. Then we came back to (ISH) had yet another group meeting then headed to the ISHbar. It was pretty mellow in there, but they did have a jazz trio playing and cheap jugs of Pimms and Lemonade. After hanging out there for a while a group of us went out because it was Mike's birthday. We headed down to Soho and went to some bar then we made our way to Zoo Bar, oh boy, that's all I can say about that.
Today I just relaxed, ran an errand and got the internet finally set up and am just getting organized since I start my internship tomorrow. I'm pretty excited about that but a bit nervous since I don't really know what I'm in for, but we'll just see how it goes.


Sharon said...

YAY for London! Wow - what an eventful couple of days! Can't wait for the post after a couple of days as a working girl :) LOVE the pictures -- makes me want to jump on a plane TODAY! Thanks for adding the photos, you have quite an eye!

Can't wait for the next installment! love you,

ps - i'm kinda sad that I'M not on the timeline of events ... I see how I Rank! :)

Kim said...

KATY! Really? Another pair of ridiculous sunglasses? Was that necessary. I think you already have what 7 or 15. haha. I'm glad all is going well so far. No I didn't get a text from you yesterday . . . try harder next time. Seriously. :) Oh boy you start working today. HAVE FUN! Well another eventful day is underway at my office. Pretty exciting. Talk to you soon. Later Tater. Love Kim

Unknown said...

i was going to make the same comment about the sunglasses! sad that you aren't in the tower of the world :(, but exciting that one of your roomates is an intern and the other knows the craziness that is amy snyder!