Saturday, September 13, 2008

Less Than a Week

I'll be leaving in one week from yesterday, so I'm really starting to think about packing and all of that fun stuff. It doesn't seem real yet that I'm going back, but once I head to the airport I think it'll start to sink in. I'm definately nervous and excited but it'll be good once I get there. I'm especially a bit freaked about working since I have no idea what I'll be doing, but I'm sure I'll get a hang of things pretty quickly then hopefully it'll just be a fun time. Also, if anyone would like a postcard or something then feel free to leave me or email me your address. Hopefully this time I actually send out postcards, I only got as far as buying them last time I was there. That's all for now, next time I post I'll probably be in London. Oh my.


Sharon said...

How did this come up so fast!? I am so excited for you -- and can't wait until you have your first days under your belt. Then you can look back and wonder, once again, what all the nerves were all about! They are just you being human :)

love, mom

Unknown said...

enjoy your last few days in the states before heading off for a fabulous journey! if olivia is there, tell her i say hi and make sure she isn't putting her fish in the trash in the room. tell all the ish staff i say hi too! hopefully i'll get to do it in person although i'm not holding my breath. take care and have a safe flight!

Kim said...

Hola Chica - When are you going to update your page? GET TO IT! You've been there for like 4 days now. Geez. I hope all is well and you are having fun. . . I'm sure you are. I hope the internship is going well. How's your TAT feeling? Great I'm sure. pretty exciting. OH I did receive my bracelet by the way. The same day you left I got it in the mail. So I tried to call and tell you but you must have JUST ditched your phone. Well anyways. Hurry up and update. You said you would update this time. BOO Love ya! Love, KIM