Monday, August 25, 2008

24 days...

So it's official, I'll be interning at the Courtauld Institute. I talked to Grandma Joan the other day and she said that she mentioned the institute to a fellow from London and he was quite impressed, so that makes me even more excited. Also, I've been told that the woman who will be overseeing my internship is very nice, so that makes me happy.
I'm still working on getting everything organized but I won't worry until the week before. My visa came in the mail so now it's just details like packing that I have to deal with. Aside from that I've also been perusing the concerts that are going on in London while I'm there. I have a list of about 30 that I would like to go to, but that will probably be a bit much. I did already buy tickets to two concerts, Laura Marling, which if it works out my mom may go with, so that would be very fun. The other concert is Black Kids. I'm pretty excited about that one as well. The concert is at the Astoria, which is a pretty famous and historic venue, but it's being torn down late this year because of something to do with the tube and preparing for the 2012 Olympics, so I'm glad that I'll get to go there before it's gone.
Well, that's all for now.

p.s. I just want to say thanks for the comments that people have left, I always get so excited when I have new ones to read so please feel free to comment a lot, and I'm sure there will be more to comment on once I'm actually there.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Can you believe it from 70 days and counting, down to just over 3 weeks! So exciting. The concert would be fun, hope the timing works for that. Leann is happy that her comment showed up -- she was feeling blog unworthy!
