Sunday, October 5, 2008


So I think quite a bit has happened this past week. I'm a bit tired so this post might not be the most coherent, but it works. The internship is getting more interesting. I met my other boss and she's so nice and pretty funny so that'll be nice working with her. She mentioned taking me out to some of the big country houses so hopefully that'll work out. I got a bit of a cold on Monday too, so that wasn't too fun but I did get sent home early two days this week so that was nice. Monday night I just hung out in the ISH bar. There was a singer guy there and he was pretty good, and he'll be there every Monday so that'll be nice.

On Tuesday I got sent home early but I headed to the Courtauld Gallery and checked out the Cezanne exhibit they had going on. I had no idea that the gallery had so many great works. I walk in the first room and I was just amazed. The Cezanne's were cool as well, I'm glad I went. Then that night Kris and I went to see Avenue Q. I've seen it before but I'd even see it again it's so funny. We went and got last minute tickets and we got 4th row right in the middle for only 20 pounds. It was such a good time. Then after we went to the ISHbar and hung out for a bit.

Wednesday I just kept it mellow and went to bed early to try to feel better since I knew little sleep would be had over the weekend. Thursday was a good day, I had lunch sitting by the Thames and I realized that my life is pretty great. Also I called my mom to tell her that we have Kimberly Clark paper towels in the bathrooms so I think of her in the bathroom, lovely I know.
That night it was karaoke at the ISHbar and that was a good time.

Friday a group of us went to the Tate Modern. There was some pretty interesting stuff there and a little ridiculous as well. I didn't seen any new installation in the Turbine Hall but I think they're in the middle of setting it up since I did see a giant spider and a big apple and a few other things there, so I'll just have to go back and see. One perk of my job is that I get into special exhibits for free. I haven't taken advantage of it yet but I want to go to the Rothko exhibit at the Tate Modern and there's a Francis Bacon exhibit at the Tate Britain, and at the Courtauld there's going to be a big Turner exhibit. I figure they're free so I might as well check them out. That night a group of us headed to the ISHbar were there for a while then we went to a pub across the street, The Albany. Then we went back to ISH for a little bit. It was a good but more mellow time. Then I hung out in Meredith's room and just talked about music and watched youtube videos.

Saturday I woke up and a few of us went to The Xpo. Apparently it's Fetish Week in London so we decided to go to the expo. It wasn't nearly as crazy as I thought it would be. There was a lot of rubber everywhere. There was a fashion show so that was good. Some of the things were actually just things you could wear out in life, but there were some outfits that were a bit crazier. So it was interesting and I'm glad I went, how often are there fetish expos in town right? After a long day of fetish I was a bit tired so I headed home and just relaxed for a while and I filled in my absentee ballot. Then last night a few of us planned on going to see some bands at some bar. We didn't have very good directions and weren't familiar with the area so we just went to a pub that was right by the tube stop which ended up being a really fun place. Then we left to catch the tube back and once again we ended up going to ISHbar. It was fun.

Today I woke up and a group of us headed to Speakers Corner. It was and is raining so there wasn't really anyone there. So we left right away and Kallie, Meredith and I went to Primark. I wasn't in the mood to go but I'd been putting it off so I had to go today to get a few things since I did kind of a bad job packing. It's always so busy since it's crazy cheap. I got a zip hoody, a sweater, a scarf, and a 3 pack of t-shirts for only 16 pounds, so not bad at all. Then we stopped in a few more shops on Oxford St. then went to ISH to eat but it was closed so we headed to a cafe across the street. Then I headed home and am just taking it easy in my pajama pants.


Sharon said...

Life sounds good! And I am happy you think of me every day - even if it is in the bathroom!

So much fun to be had! We'll have to start thinking about what we want to do when I'm there -- spend the weekend seeing even more of London - or head out of town for a quick look at a new to both of us destination. Decisions, decisions! :)

Thanks for the update ... I can quit nagging now!

Do I win the prize for first to comment each time!!!?

Kim said...

If your mom wins a prize for being the first to comment then I win the prize for having the most ridiculous comments. So you think about your mom when you are in the bathroom? That's nice. When do you think about me? haha. I'm proud of you. . so far you are actually updating this thing. not so much last time you were there. Good Job! I don't really have anything exciting to say this time. I'm glad you found cheap clothes though. Thrifty. Ok I just thought that you might think this was funny. . it came as part of a forwarded email that i got at work. i don't know if i fully understand it...but it made me laugh. “I like someone who is a little crazy but coming from a good place. I think scars are sexy because it means you made a mistake that led to a mess.” haha what? Well hope to hear from you soon. MUAH!

Kim said...

“You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named 'Bush', 'Dick', and 'Colon.' Need I say more?” Now I'm just bored. . . funny huh?

Sharon said...

Kim, I think you need to go make some buttons to relieve your bordom! I got a compliment on my Barack and Roll button today - thank you very much!

HI KATY! :) One of the fellows that I work with that lives in London is going to have lunch with me (the consultant) -- that will be fun! If my boss is in town, i can save on a couple of meals!

PS - call Jeri about Bill's comedy - guess when he got introduced last week as an American, there were some boos :( love you xxxooo

Leann said...

Hey Kate! Nice to see you're staying busy. Sounds like massive amounts of pub time really. ahhh. to be young again... Pub time is time well spent! That's great that you get into special exhibits for free. Glad you like the new boss. What else? I'm still stuggling with my new job(teaching) but I'm kind of enjoying the structure it's forcing on my life. I really have to know this stuff backwards and forwards because they actually ask me questions. What's up with that? Miss you muchas. Love, Leann