Friday, October 17, 2008

Oh Wow.

Quite a bit has happened in the last 12 days, so I'll just recap what I can remember and try to do a best of kind of thing. It's been fun and I've been busy, hence why no update in ages. Also, I'm quite tired right now so bit of this might not make sense or may be ridiculous, fair warning.

I'll start with Wed the 8th Meredith, Shawn and I originally headed out get into the Ting Tings concert but the tube was taking too long so we headed to meet a bunch of people but we ended up going to a restaurant called The Diner. It was a really cool place and we had some food and I got a banana bread beer. It was pretty tasty, like banana bread in a glass. Then we decided to check out a club but it turns out it was kind of lame so we headed home but it was still a good night.

Then Thursday work was fine then after work I headed to ISH to eat then a group of us went into Emma and Becky's room and hung out and played ridiculous games and built a human pyramid. It was fun. Then karaoke happened. Overall it was a very fun night. Then Friday we woke up (I had a funtime sleepover) and we went and got delicious breakfast sandwiches then we got ready and went wandering and shopping. I had wanted to get some shoes but I just didn't find anything just amazing so I waited, but I did get a pretty sweet shirt. We again went to the Diner for lunch and I got a delicious burger but more importantly a strawberry cheesecake hard milkshake. Very tasty. After that we headed to Primark (a ridiculously busy big store but also ridiculously cheap) and I did get a nice hooded cardigan and a blanket. I was happy with my purchases. Then we got some food and Meredith and I tried again to go to the Ting Tings. No one thought we would get in since it was sold out but there were some touts/scalpers right outside the tube stop so we got tickets right away then got into the venue, got some drinks and found our spot. We were right up front, maybe 2 or 3 people in front of me. Also not only were we right up front but Meredith also got a guitar pick that the singer threw out. It was a fun show, I only knew a few of their songs but I enjoyed it, it's just fun music. After the show we just headed home and went to bed.

Saturday I woke up early and Kallie, Billy, Meredith and I headed to Stonehenge and Bath for the weekend. We took the train which was kind of fun. Meredith and I drew pictures and played games. Then we got so Salisbury then took a bus to Stonehenge. I had been there before but it was a good time. Then we headed back to Salisbury and wandered around and ate and just hung out for longer than expected. Then we took a train to Bath and arrived at about 9:30 and wandered around looking for a place to stay. We ended up staying at the YMCA. It was actually pretty nice. We dropped off our stuff then went out. We ended up only going to 1 bar, Belushi's, but it was a lot of fun. There was dancing, drinks, foam, and fun. Then we went and got some food then headed back kind of early.

The next day we woke up and headed to the Roman Baths. It was really cool. I love Roman history so it was cool to see a new part of their history. We also tried the super mineraly water from the hot springs. It was pretty bad, kind of like eggs. Then we went outside and there were some street performers. They did acrobatic things which were pretty impressive but what first gets your attention was that they were in sparkly man-thongs. They were pretty funny too, so we watched for a while. Then Meredith, Kallie and I went to the Fashion Museum. There was some interesting stuff in there, and some things to try on so that was fun enough. Then we just walked around a bit and went to a park and relaxed since we were all a bit tired. On our way to pick up our things and head to the train station we happened to find a mini-golf course so of course we couldn't pass it up and we played, I came in second, so not bad. Then after that we headed to the train station to head back but we had to take a bus part of the way to Swindon, which I recognized from the UK version of The Office. Then we caught the train back into Paddington station then went home. We were all a bit tired from a fun filled weekend.

That's all for now since I need to sleep really badly, I'll probably write about this again and in more detail but today Meredith and I went to to the Saatchi Gallery which has an exhibit of contemporary Chinese artists. It was really cool, I think my favourite so far. Then we walked to Soho, which was a rather long walk, to FedEx her absentee ballot. Then from there we quick ate some dinner, I called my Dad to say happy birthday, then we went to see Jenny Lewis at Koko. It was a great show but I am exhausted.


Sharon said...

Katy i am so sorry for you that your time in London is such a bore -- NOT! I wasn't sure this time could possibly come close to the last time - as you group was (and still is!) such an amazing bunch of people! But sounds like the 2nd time is amazing as well! Well done! :)

Can't wait to see you, meet your friends and have some London fun myself!

Thanks for the update -- it's fun imagining you having all this fun!

xxxooo, mom

Kim said...

No Comment.

Kim said...

HAHA you really thought that was all I was going to say didn't you? I really don't have anything to say but i felt like a b*tch writing "no comment" even though it was just for fun. So anyways, glad you're STILL having a good time, how rough. I get to leave work in 11 minutes, highlight of my day. I got an almost brand new free volleyball today Oh and I got 2 free pumpkins at work today. Wish you were here to carve them with me, I know you would I can't find anyone else who will. Ooh I'm watching firefighters run the parking ramp from my office. haha. Well anyways I guess I did have something to say, when don't I. Well gotta get the heck out of here soonish. Talk to you later G Unit. Love Ya!