Friday, October 31, 2008

More Fun

Again it was a busy week, but I thought I'd catch up on this before the weekend hits. Sunday ended up being a mellow day. Meredith and I went to see a Banksy piece that's going to be painted over then we just hung around MTH for the day until a group of us aka the circle of friends went to La Tasca for dinner. It's a tapa's restaurant and it was so good, I definitely would go back. Then we just hung out and took it easy the rest of the night. Then Monday was pretty relaxed too. I went to H&M after work and got some gloves, a huge warm scarf, socks (to delay laundry) and a shirt all for under 20 quid. Then I headed home, got some food then we just got a drink in the ISH bar and hung out then I headed home and took it easy.

Tuesday after work I went to dinner at Jon Marx's house. He, David, Neil, and I had a lovely little dinner together then we watched some TV show about zombies. Perfect after dinner viewing. Then as Neil and I were leaving we saw that it was snowing. It was the first October snow in 70 years! Luckily Neil gave me a ride so I only had to walk a tiny bit in the wet snow, but still not tons of fun. I got home around 11 so I was tired from the day so I just went to bed.

Wednesday we had planned to go to the Lion King and just get tickets day of. It turns out that there were only 3 standing tickets available or tickets for 50 quid, which is more than I'm willing to pay. So a few people went to the Lion King but Meredith and Kallie decided to walk home but stopped at a few pubs on the way home. It turned into quite the night. We had lots of fun, especially at O'Neils on Wardour St. Then on our way home we happened to be walking down Carnaby St. so we went to The Diner. It was tasty as always. Then we made our way home.

Yesterday was fun. After work I went home, changed, ate and then went to the Astoria to the Black Kids concert. I was in the very front, right up against the bar and pretty center. It was a fun show, and it is the kick start to the concert week. Within 8 days - Thursday to the following Friday - I'm going to 4 concerts. FUN! After the show I headed back to ISH for karaoke night. It was a girl's birthday in our group so we sang Happy Birthday to her and just had an all around good time. Somehow there were glowsticks everywhere. I'm not quite sure where they came from but it was a good time. Then once the bar closed Meredith and I walked home after a funny stop at Great Portland Food and Wine and had a funtime sleepover then today I've been laying around and we were just laughing about last night. Oh man, fun times.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Hey Sweetie -

Good grief with the concerts, right! How is it possible for one person to attend so many events?!!! Have fun! (as if that were in question!). I'm really hoping there is NO SNOW when I'm there - not a big fan! Apparently there were flurries here the other day, totally missed that! I did get to vote yesterday -- WooHoo! Have a great weekend - talk to you soon, i'm off to a weekend of fun and frivolity :)
